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04/05/17  |  Firm News

Rosen Hagood Attorney Selected to Board of Be A Mentor

Elizabeth “Beth” Palmer, a partner with Rosen Hagood, was recently selected to join the Board of Be A Mentor. Be A Mentor is a non-profit organization that provides youth in Charleston the opportunity to develop positive relationships with adults and reach their full potential through mentorship.

“I’m proud to be part of Be A Mentor,” said Palmer. “I look forward to working with my fellow board members as we continue to empower Charleston’s youth.”

Palmer is passionate about giving back and getting involved in the community. She has played a key role in the creation and implementation of several public service initiatives through the American Bar Association and the South Carolina Bar Association. Those initiatives include: Bullyproof, Project Street Youth: Young Lawyers Advocating for Street Youth, World Wise Web: Protecting Our Youth from Internet Predators, as well as American Voter; all serving to educate and empower our youth.

Palmer focuses her law practice in the areas of business and commercial litigation, employment law, personal injury, probate litigation, and education law.

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