
FAQs About the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claims

Andrew D. Gowdown June 29, 2023

Perhaps you have heard about Camp Lejeune, water contamination, and legal claims. Legislation enacted last year permits veterans and others who were injured by toxic water at the military base to take action against the government to recover compensation. The number of claims and lawsuits is expected to be significant because of the time frame …

What You Need to Know About the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Cases

Rosen Hagood June 6, 2023

If you were present at Camp Lejeune from the 1950s to the 1980s, you may have been exposed to contaminated water. A number of illnesses have been linked to this exposure and there will likely be many others. Even if you have not yet developed the known medical problems associated with the water at Camp …

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