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Good to Know Blog

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eminent domain

06/17/24  |  Real Estate

Eminent Domain: Your Rights as a Property Owner

As a property owner, few legal concepts can be more unnerving than the government’s ability to take your land through its power of eminent domain. Also known as condemnation, eminent domain allows

legal liability for deck collapse

08/10/21  |  Real Estate

Deck Structure and Liability Issues for Property Owners

Adding a deck to your home or business improves its value and allows you to enjoy the outdoors. However, a poorly constructed deck can open the door to major liability issues. If

disclosing information when buying or selling a home

07/01/21  |  Real Estate

Understanding South Carolina Residential Real Estate Closing Disclosures

To sell a piece of residential real estate in South Carolina, such as a house, the seller is required by law to disclose certain information. The purpose of these disclosures is to

02/03/21  |  Construction Law and Litigation

Preservation of Lien Rights

Distilled down to its absolute essentials, a mechanic’s lien is a way for tradespeople to make sure they get paid for their work. As straightforward as this seems, the purpose and operation