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07/10/15  |  Firm News

Rosen Hagood Attorney, Andrew Gowdown, Appointed to Two South Carolina Bar Committees

The law firm of Rosen Hagood is pleased to announce that Andrew Gowdown, a partner with the firm, has been appointed to serve on the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Professional Responsibility Committee for the South Carolina Bar. Gowdown will serve a one-year term on each committee.

The purpose of the Ethics Advisory Committee is to render advisory opinions for bar members on prospective ethical issues. The Professional Responsibility Committee studies proposals to amend the Rules of Professional Conduct and ways to facilitate compliance with those Rules.

“I am pleased to serve on these two important committees for the South Carolina Bar,” commented Gowdown.  “The work of the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Professional Responsibility Committee is vitally important to maintaining the integrity of the legal profession here in South Carolina.”

In his legal practice, Gowdown concentrates his work on representing clients in catastrophic personal injury, traumatic brain injury, and products liability cases. Gowdown also represents clients in business and securities litigation matters.

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