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09/25/09  |  Firm News

Frank Blanchard Speaks at SC Bar CLE in Columbia

On September 25, 2009, Frank Blanchard gave a presentation at the SC Bar-CLE Division’s continuing legal education seminar entitled “Beyond the Elements II: South Carolina Damages from A to Z.” Mr. Blanchard covered the topic of damages recoverable under causes of action alleging interference with contractual or business relations. The seminar was held on the campus of the University of South Carolina School of Law in Columbia, South Carolina, and was attended by lawyers, law professors, and members of the judiciary. The seminar was held in conjunction with the recent publication of the SC Bar’s brand new edition of “South Carolina Damages, Second Edition.” Mr. Blanchard and Richard Rosen co-authored a chapter in the new book covering the damages allowed under causes of action alleging interference with contractual or business relations. 

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