SC Court of Appeals affirms case finding a bar owner responsible for a drunk driver

Rosen Hagood April 26, 2004

The South Carolina Court of Appeals has affirmed a Judgement obtained by Rosen, Rosen & Hagood against the individual owner of a corporation which operated as a bar. 

The lower court had found that the individual was the alter-ego of the corporation which served as a bar. A jury had peviously found the corporation liable for serving alcohol to an intoxicated driver who crossed the center line and collded with a person represented by Rosen, Rosen & Hagood. 

The Court of Appeals reexamined the various factors which had been used to determine when courts should “pierce the corporate veil”. 

In this case, the Court held there were a sufficient number of factors to justify piercing the corporate veil and found that the interests of the individual and corporation were the same. The individual was held personally liable for the $1.5 million dollar verdict.

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